project management ideas

Project Planner Team


Project management is a job that requires organization and planning. You need to know what needs to be done, when it will be done, and who’s doing it. The last thing you want is to lose sight of your projects over time or have crucial information fall through the cracks. Here are some ideas for project management software:

Letting your team/customer pick the exact features they want.

Letting your team/customer pick the exact features they want

This may sound counterintuitive. After all, you’re the expert and you know what needs to be done. But it’s always a good idea to get feedback from your stakeholders on what they really want in your project management software. In fact, this is often one of the most important parts of any project—getting everyone aligned on what will and won’t be done with each version of your product!

A single list of all tasks, so they can be grouped and re-prioritized easily.

A single list of all tasks, so they can be grouped and re-prioritized easily.

A single list is a good way to get a quick overview of the project—you can see progress over time, see tasks that are late or behind schedule, and quickly prioritize what needs to get done next.

Color coding by feature.

Color coding can help you see at a glance what is going on. It also helps you prioritize tasks, spot trends over time and spot spikes in activity. For example, if one of your features has a lot of red and orange tasks in the backlog (i.e., not started) then it should be a priority to get those done as soon as possible.

By using color coding you can easily identify when certain types of work are taking longer than expected or are progressing faster than expected so that you can adjust accordingly based on your plans for the project

Automatic updates of progress, to keep things up-to-date.

Automatic updates of progress are a useful feature for project management. When you know the status of each project at all times, it’s easier to know who is working on what and how long it will take them to complete their tasks. Automatic updates also allow you to keep track of whether or not a task has been completed.

The ability to search across projects and teams.

The ability to search across projects and teams is key in a project management system.

There are many ways that you can use it:

  • To find specific work items by their name, description or other attributes. For example, if you need to find all tasks with names starting with a certain letter, then you can use the “Start With” filter (e.g., “t*”). You can also enter multiple words into this field so that your search will match any of them (e.g., “a*b”). You can also use this filter to find items whose content matches certain keywords (e.g., bugs).
  • To find all projects related to specific documents/files stored in your system (e.g., for every project where there is an Excel file with a specific name).

A way to see which projects are taking the longest, over time, so you can plan accordingly in the future.

A way to see which projects are taking the longest, over time, so you can plan accordingly in the future.

It’s important to keep track of how long projects take, and using this data will show you where your problems lie and allow you to make better plans for future projects.

A clear way to see who is assigned each task on a project, so they can easily pull up their contact details.

You can also save time by having a clear way to see who is assigned each task on a project, so they can easily pull up their contact details. This is especially helpful if you are working with multiple project managers and need to communicate quickly with them.

Once you have all of this information, it’s time for the most important part: contacting your potential new boss! You don’t want to be like the guy that spent months posting job ads in every corner of town, only to find out that he didn’t need any help after all—or worse yet: he did need help but never got around to reading his emails because they were buried under dozens of other messages from equally desperate applicants.

Project management software should be designed with users’ needs in mind.

When choosing project management software like Project Planner, you should ensure that it is designed with users’ needs in mind. A good project management tool should be easy to use, have a clear interface and user experience. It should also be intuitive enough so that anyone can pick it up and understand how it works.

Finally, it’s important to note that the software should be designed for users first and developers second—this will help ensure that your team gets the most out of their time working with the tool.


The goal of project management software is to help teams work better together. But it’s important to remember that when you’re building a project management tool, you’re not just making something for yourself: You’re making something for your customers and clients. They’ll be the ones using this software every day, and they need to be able to use it easily!

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